By constantly improving the platform, Facebook offers more and more options for creating better ads.
The latest feature we tested that has an excellent effect is Image Overlay, which allows you to add dynamic parameters to your images like price, price with strikethrough, discount percentage and text - free shipping. For this to work, you need to have created a Product Catalog and a campaign goal: Product catalog sales.
We created a retargeting campaign for Sport.MK and the results after 3 days are the following: Relevance score: 10, CTR – 16.69%, CPM – €0.64, CPC – €0.004.
Surely these results are partly due to retargeting, but now with overlays, the product images are much more eye-catching, especially if you apply a contrasting color in comparison to the original picture.
Additional features that can be modified are:
- background shape (rectangle, circle or triangle),
- background color,
- location of the image overlay
- currently there is only one available font: Dynads Hybrid.
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