Regularly optimizing your website is key to long-term growth and development of your business. One of the most important factors in attracting visitors and offering a pleasant user experience is your ability to constantly keep up with the expectations of users, and accordingly create newer and better versions of your website.
Lately, one of the things that Google pays the most attention to is the speed of your website. If a website takes too long to load and display its content, most users will leave before they even see what's on it. Google notices these things, and if it collects information that users aren't interested and immediately abandon your site, it will give your page a lower ranking, making it harder for new visitors to find it. Therefore, it's important that you're able to regularly check the speed of your website and resolve any related issues in a timely manner, if they arise. Some of the tools that offer this type of analysis are Google Page Speed, Gtmetrix, Pingdom and others.
If the analysis shows that there are issues with the speed of your website, one of the reasons could be the images, which can really weigh it down. There are tools like or SmushIt Plugin, which optimize the images without compromising their quality in the process.
Another cause for problems with page speed could be the code itself or'caching'. When caching the page, the "weight" of the page is greatly reduced and therefore it loads faster. Some of the tools that resolve issues with code or caching, without compromising the website's functionality in the process, are Fast Velocity Minify and WP Super Minify for code minification, W3 Total Cache and WP Fastest Cache for clearing cache. We typically use WP Rocket Pro which has proven to be a great choice for automatically optimizing WordPress / WooCommerce sites especially in combination with Redis which does Object caching.
Optimization tools, or SEO tools, make it easy to maintain a website, by automating many of the tasks that you would otherwise have to do manually. The most important thing is to perform regular анализи and use the results to improve your website and boost its traffic.
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