Instagram is a social network that has become even more popular after being bought by Facebook.
As a social network, it is focused on sharing images and videos by its users, and so the feature to share images and videos is present on mobile apps for phones and tablets, but not on computer browsers.
Many Instagram Users download images on their computers to edit them, and then upload them on a mobile device for posting.
This little trick will help you post directly from your PC.
We use Google Chrome, but you can use any other browser similarly.
All you need to do is right-click anywhere on the page in Google Chrome, select 'Inspect' (or press Ctrl+Shift+I) and a console will appear on the right side of your Google Chrome browser.
Above the page that you're currently viewing, you will be able to choose which mobile device you want your Chrome to simulate, so that you can see how the page will look on a mobile device. Choose the one that's suitable to you, Iphone for IOS, or Galaxy for Android.
After selecting a mobile device, log in to Instagram in the same window, and you will have the option to post directly from Chrome by clicking on the plus at the bottom of the screen, just like on a mobile device. By clicking on the plus, you will first need to choose an image or a video that you have saved on your PC and that you would like to post. You will also have an option to edit the image and add filters if you want.
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